Saturday 5 October 2013

Kembali ke Jalan yang Bener

I was certainly no Einstein....

....for making a decision to continue study which requires a careful thought in balancing time. There are some major trade-offs a student must sacrifice. Be it the time spent with lovely 'F' word which are our so-called endearing families, friends and an adorable 'L' for loved ones. 

No more snacking late at night reading 'Komik Ujang' and being a night owl on your bed pinning Pinterest! Hehe *most girls will know what Pinterest is* 

...and bed is such a beauty heaven with a 100% quality for a deep sleep...umphh

That fun moment when you kill your time with your smartphone previously? Now it has turned into a Zzzz moment like this...

10.00pm? Aha, like this!

8.00am. Haha, like this! Bread is not a bed hunny.

So, the moment when you try to simplify everything does not simplifies anything, you simply made a decision that no matter what, things will need to be simplified. 

An example, instead of wearing wedges to work does not made any sense to your upper back body because you will need a strong of an upper back body in carrying books from library (duhh what an example right? hehe) but yes these things do count because in reality it happens especially when you have to walk on the berbukits and berbukaus Uni. You will need to change your wedges to flats for work. Right posture for the people!

The tangga ladies and gentlemen, overall were slightly 90 degrees in desperation to beat the Batu Caves in Gombak.
Fuewh! We students need free Rexonas of 24 hours long protection!

Other challenges that a student must face is the moment trying to look for assignment books and suddenly came across these shiny.. lovely.. favourite of all time books in library. 

I feel like I am totally in Beauty and the Beast's castle library scene, hehe..

Tadaaa ..... cooking books! My knees were shaking and my eyes shining like dozen of stars...

The Professional Pastry Chef?

Book of Cakes? Brownie Points?

Bread baking? Book of bread? Roti, Kek dan Pastri?



Tiba-tiba..secara tiba-tibanya..

I came across this book and the author is one of the famous Indonesian writers namely, Pramoedya Ananta Toer. He was an activist during back at times when Indonesia struggling for independence. He had also created variations of essays and poems. One of everyone's all time favourite quote made by Toer was this as cited in Bumi Manusia,

"Jangan sebut aku perempuan sejati jika hidup hanya berkalang lelaki. Tapi bukan berarti aku tidak butuh lelaki untuk aku cintai" (Ontosoroh's line, in Bumi Manusia by Toer)

I think it is very deep from the point of Toer whereby he critically adviced women in a subtle yet strict way that a true lady will only love a man in their lifetime. Toer's hope was never to push women, I guess. But he created a strong opinion made by a woman (as stated by Ontosoroh) to voice out his needs and what he wants from women this century.

*Boleh pulak wat critical discussion on old time Indonesian poem! Nadiah, please fin your work*

This one..Gadis Pantai
But to kill time to read this one? 

I miss watching Indonesian movies. One of my all time favourites is AADC.
The ego yet humble Rangga with lovely and cranky Cinta!

Always be my fav

and now I really need to bring my laptop, books & notes

back to where I belong
kembali kepada jalan yang bener...ya udah..

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