Sunday 12 May 2013



We are back here again on the travel channel. You may call me Naddy and I will be your friend and travel explorer. We will fly to a land named 'Jakarta' and I will take you to some great places with spectacular view day and night, we will taste some delicious food your tongue had never taste before. A city with fast changing fashion especially on kerudung and hijab. Excited? Put your seat belt on and I will travel together with you.

While waiting for the flight to take us off, we may snap some beautiful pictures of this little girl wearing a hoodie with a pink bunny in her hands. She is just too cute to resist isn't she? 

"Someone is taking my pictures mummy."

"Mummy, where is my pink bunny?"

Okey pink bunny is with me now you may please take my pictures

**Goofing around**

Anyway, we will fly to Jakarta with the estimated time arrival at 1005am just about two hours from tanah airku. "For breakfast, what would you like, Nasi Lemak or Roti Paratha?" asked the steward. I'm hankering for Nasi Lemak with sambal udang, thank you. We woke up super duper early and roti paratha is not in our list. Hehe...

Nicely weather 
Let's have a little fun in the sun. It's easy for us to stay cooped up during the flight. The steward gave us merely comfort food. Luckily, the family can eat peanuts like nuts and me watching them with green eyes. This brace teeth must stay away from hard foods. Sob.

So, the first program you may enjoy here is shopping. A tip here, Jakarta and Bandung is well known as a place for shopping. I believe Bandung is a much better place to buy kain cotton and kain lace, telekung and some wedding stuffs (while travelling back in 2009) and not on branded stuffs as these can be bought directly with great quality in Malaysia. While Jakarta offers more on the latest fashion for handbags, clothes, shoes, accessories, hijab at a less expensive price. 

Some unique pictures on headgear I took during the 'shop till we drop' momento. Unik sekali.

Loving the design!
The food here is amazing. Have you ever heard of 'Ikan Terbang' before? *bingung* Well, that's happened to me the first time I heard it. I was imagining things like way beyond the mind can imagine. Is there a sayap?Haha.

So, the 'Ikan Terbang' was actually this! The Indonesians are very creative of inventing new things and ideas.

Was wondering how did the chef cook this ikan? A mind boggling here.
The 'cabe' (sambal) is kicking me softly with an awesome taste!
Truly delicious..

and like the usual, we decided to greet our mornings with this view. Hello from the 34th floor!

Morning glories everyone! 

The holiday was just about 3 days and two nights and the time has come to an end. Desperately asking for a weekend repeat. Then, I hope we can go back to real life. The people here are warmth, the food is delicious, the fashion is fast changing where you can get the latest update on busana muslim as well as the sight seeing, excluding the traffic congestion my friend, hehe.

Ya ampun.. ibu mahu pulang?

Dengarin, datang lagi ya.

Bless you little hearts of Jakarta, you keep us young!

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